Bennington, VT to Pawling, NY: in which I decide that hiking up a mountain in...
I’ve gone back through previous entries and attempted to link to each thru-hiker or section hiker’s website or trail journal the first time it’s mentioned in each entry (if I knew it or could find it),...
View ArticlePawling, NY to Unionville, NY: “it’s pronounced NOO-kyoo-lur”
August 12 (8.3; 751.5 total, 1422.5 to go; -6.7 from pace, -223.5 overall) After a night underneath the pavilion, it’s on to town to do a last few things before heading out to hike again. First stop is...
View ArticleUnionville, NY to Duncannon, PA: Pennsylvania Rocks!
I’m fully a year behind in these updates, a delay I never expected would happen (or that, if it did happen, I would still be making updates at that time). I’m surprised I can still remember this many...
View ArticleDuncannon, PA to Bluemont, VA: because it’s there
August 29 (25.9; 1067.0 total, 1107.0 to go; +10.9 from pace, -163.0 overall) The restaurant across the street, Goodie’s, may open early, but I’m not in the mood to get an early start today,...
View ArticleBluemont, VA to Waynesboro, VA: Shenandoah NP is overrated
September 4 (0.0; 1185.4 total, 988.6 to go; -15.0 from pace, -134.6 overall) I intend to get up and hike today, but laziness and a ready Internet connection distract me. I spend most of the day...
View ArticleWaynesboro, VA to Daleville, VA: I meet a yo-yo (…in addition to all the...
September 12 (5.0; 1330.9 total, 843.1 to go; -10.0 from pace, -109.1 overall) After this brief interlude with family, it’s time to get moving again. Mom makes some effort to get me to not hike for...
View ArticleIt’s 211 miles to Mount Whitney, I’ve got a full bear canister of half my...
All work and no play makes Jeff a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jeff a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jeff a dull boy. So goodbye Internets, goodbye Mozilla, goodbye cruel world: I’m off...
View ArticleJohn Muir Trail: Yosemite Valley to Lyell Canyon
After I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail from June through October 2008, I began to consider which hike would follow it. For better or for worse, my sense of scale in backpacking is now irreparably...
View ArticleJohn Muir Trail: Lyell Canyon to Thousand Island Lake
September 13 (13; 0 side; 43 total, 168 to go) Deep in Lyell Canyon sunrise starts at its usual time, but direct sunlight doesn’t reach the floor until hours later. I eat my breakfast near the campfire...
View ArticleJohn Muir Trail: Thousand Island Lake to Squaw Lake
September 14 (17; 0 side; 60 total, 151 to go) A pre-dawn panorama from my campsite of Banner Peak and the surrounding area As planned I wake up early enough to catch the tail end of darkness before...
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